Book Jeff

Sans Flash

A few years ago, while living in Hawaii, Niki and I decided to celebrate Christmas in Paris. Before we could take off, we first had to visit the local library.

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Forgetting is Not an Option

It was a day decades in the making. Growing up in the 1960s, nothing mesmerized me more than the Space Race.  I was five years old the night that Neil Armstrong took his “one small step for man.”

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Snacks on a Plane

Happy 2019! I hope that your New Year is off to a great start.  Niki and I celebrated the ringing in of the New Year with our Disney family in Indianapolis.

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Stories and Christmas

People often ask me why I love Disneyland so much. They want to know why I am so interested in Walt. When did this start? How did this all begin?

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12 Books for Christmas

When I first dreamed of writing a book about Disneyland, I really only knew two things.  First, I didn’t want to write another Disney history book. Those already existed, I had read almost all of them, and knew that I couldn’t do better than what was already available.

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You Live the Life You Think About

As we look forward to Thanksgiving Week, I want to take a moment and look backwards. When we think about the history of Thanksgiving, most of us remember the stories from the pilgrims, the Mayflower, and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. What you may not know, or may not remember…

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