Book Jeff

The Way to Get Started

Earlier this month, I came across a quote I want to use as the focus for this week’s WEDnesdays with Walt.

“Ideas don’t come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.”

When I read that, I couldn’t help but think of Walt Disney and his often-quoted line, “The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” But that ideas quote didn’t come from Walt. It comes from a commencement speech. And it’s not from that commencement speech—the one Steve Jobs famously gave at Stanford in 2005.

The source is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, speaking to Harvard graduates in 2017. He was talking about our need for connection, his vision for meeting that need, and how he never would have started Facebook if he had first had to “understand everything about connecting people” before he ever began.

On this point, Walt Disney and Mark Zuckerberg connect. Think about it.

We live in a world brimming with aspirations, dreams, and goals. How easy is it to get lost in the chatter of talking, discussing, and planning our grand vision but fail to ever take the actual step of getting started? For Disney, talk was just talk until action breathed life into your dreams. But Walt didn’t just talk about creating magical worlds; he built them. Frame by frame and brick by brick.

In our modern world, and in his own way, Mark Zuckerberg has done the same thing. And you can too! Today, I want to encourage you to stop talking and start, well, starting. Here are some “best ways to get started” tips:

1. Embrace Imperfection—Walt Disney had as many successes as failures. Mark Zuckerberg didn’t start with Facebook but Facemash. Your path will be neither linear nor smooth. Start anyway. Don’t allow your fear of imperfection to paralyze you. Instead, embrace it as an integral part of your journey.

2. Set Clear Goals—How definite is your dream? Write down clear and precise objectives. Make your dream less daunting by breaking it down into manageable and actionable steps. Your path ahead will be clearer with this map in hand.

3. Cultivate Consistency—Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was Disneyland. Consistency is key. Commit to taking small, consistent actions each day toward your goal. Write a page. Work on your website. Walk a mile. Every step forward brings you closer and closer.

4. Embrace the Journey—Along the way, remember that your journey is as important as your destination. Celebrate wins, regardless how small, and don’t be discouraged by the inevitable setbacks. Savor the self-discovery, relish the opportunity for growth, and enjoy the world you are creating.

5. Believe—Above all else, believe in your own abilities and potential. Trust that you have the creativity, resilience, and determination to turn your dreams into reality. Banish self-doubt and replace it with unwavering confidence in your vision and capabilities.

As you embark on your journey from dreaming to doing, remember that action always beats overthinking. Yes, the path is uncertain and your ultimate destination unknowable. But with courage, determination, and a willingness to start anyway, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

Stop talking. Start doing. And watch as the world clicks “Like” along the way.

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